Sun and Moon Letters
There are 28 Alphabets.
Among them, 14 are Sun letters and 14 are Moon letters.
The Sun-letters are called Huroof Al-Shamsiyyah
(حروف الشمسيّة).
The Moon-letters are called Huroof Al-Qamariyyah
(حروف القمريّة).
Now let us see which are the Sun-Letters.
You can see the 14 Sun letter marked (in red font) in the above picture.
They are:
- ت ، ث ، د ، ذ ، ر ، ز ، س ، ش ، ص ، ض ، ط ، ظ ، ل ، ن
The remaining letters are the moon-letters.
They are: ا ، ب ، ج ، ح ، خ
ع ، غ ، ف ، ق ، ك ، م ، ه ، و ، ي .
Why are the "Sun" and "Moon" letters of the Arabic Language called so?
The Sun Letters:
The word Al-Shams which means "The Sun" in Arabic starts with the letter ( ش ) "Sheen".
As "Sheen" is one of the alphabets belonging to this group, the whole group is named Huroof Al-Shamsiyyah (The Sun Letters).
Let us arrange the Sun-letters and the Moon-letters in separate columns.
The Sun and Moon letters become significant when:
a) the alphabet is the first alphabet of the word and
b) the word is prefixed with the definite article "Al" ( ال )
c) and the word is used in the vocal form
( ie. Characteristics of Sun and Moon letters are vivid while reading or speaking - while not much significant in the written form)
(For Moon letters)
القمر will be written as - القمر (al-qamar) (meaning the Moon)
القمر will be read as - القمر (al-qamar)(meaning the Moon)
(For Sun letters)
الشمس will be written as - الشمس (al-shams) (meaning the Sun). Note that there is no significance of shamsiyyah or qamariyyah in the written format.
الشمس will be read as - الشَّمس (ash-shams)(meaning the Sun)
Note that the word is not read as "al-shams" but is read as "ash-shams".
The ( ل ) has been dropped.
The shaddah ( ّ ) is placed on the shamsiyyah alphabet.
To understand the Shamsiyyah and Qamariyyah letter better, please go through the videos that follow.
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