Arabic Prepositions


Arabic Grammar Basics
 (  Harf jarr   حَرف الجَرّ  )  

1) What is a preposition in Arabic called as?

A preposition is called "Harf ul-Jarr" in Arabic.

2) What is the significance of "Harf ul-Jarr" in Arabic Grammar?

The word which appears after "Harf ul-jarr” will end with kasrah or tanween kasrah (also called kasratain).

Common prepositions

Arabic True prepositions

‏بـ‎  bi  -  with, in, at

‏تـ‎  ta  -  only used in the expression تٱللهِ tallāhi 'I swear to God'

‏لَـ‎  la  -  certainly (also used before verbs)

‏لِـ‎  li  -  to, for

‏كـ‎  ka  -  like, as

‏فـ‎   fa  -  [and] then

‏إِلَى‎  ’ilá  -  to, towards

‏حَتَّى‎  ḥattá  -  until, up to

‏عَلَى‎  ‘alá  -  on, over; against

‏عَن‎  ‘an  -  from, about

‏فِي‎   fī  -  in, at

‏مِن‎  min  -  from; than

‏مُنْذُ‎  mundhu  -  since

‏مُذْ‎ mudh  -  since


‏أَمامَ‎   ’amāma  -  in front of

‏بَيْنَ‎   bayna  -  between, among

‏تَحْتَ‎   taḥta  -  under, below

‏حَوْلَ‎   ḥawla  -  around

‏خارِجَ‎   khārija  -  outside

‏خِلالَ‎   khilāla  -  during

‏داخِلَ‎   dākhila  -  inside

‏دُونَ‎   dūna  -  without

‏ضِدَّ‎   ḍidda  -  against

‏عِنْدَ‎   ‘inda  -  on the part of; at; at the house of; in the possession of

‏فَوْقَ‎   fawqa  -  above

‏مَعَ‎   ma‘a  -  with

َمِثْل mithla - Like

َوَراء - Waraa-a - Behind

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