Arabic Vowels - Tanween


Arabic Grammar Basics - Tanveen

Arabic Vowels - Tanween

Arabic Grammar Basics Tanween

The occurrence of two Fatahah, two Kasrah, or two Dhamma is called Tanween.

The Alphabet Baa is shown in the example above.

  • Tanween Fatahah - بً
  • Tanween Kasrah - بٍ
  • Tanween Dammah - بٌ

Arabic words ending with tanween along with their English translations:

1. كتابٌ (kitābun) - a book
2. قلمٌ (qalamun) - a pen
3. سماءٌ (samā'un) - a sky
4. مدينةٌ (madīnatun) - a city
5. مطعمٌ (maṭʿamun) - a restaurant
6. جامعةٌ (jāmiʿatun) - an university
7. بتتٌ (bait'un) - a house
8. مدرسةٌ (madrasatun) - a school
9. مسجدٌ (masjidun) - a mosque
10. ساعةٌ (sāʿatun) - a clock

Please note that the vowel sound associated with tanween changes depending on the grammatical case, so these examples show the tanween in the nominative case.

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"Arabic words ending with tanween" by ChatGPT, provided by OpenAI, is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

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